Program > Friday 17 November

08H30 - Registration
(delivery of helmets for simultaneous translation)

09h00 - Welcoming

- Mr François-Xavier PRIOLLAUD, Vice-President in charge of European Affairs and International Relations of the Normandy Region (or his representative)
- Mr Pascal BULEON, Director of MRSH (Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines) Normandy - Caen
- Mr Christophe ALLEAUME, Director of Institut Demolombe of the Faculty of Law in Caen
- Mrs Sylvie Morin-MOUCHENOTTE, President of the Bar of Caen

- Mrs Geneviève PREAUX, In charge of internal communicationr - Crédit Agricole Normandie
- Mrs Agnès Michelot, President of “Société Française pour le Droit de l’Environnement” (French Society for Environmental Law)
- Mrs Émilie Gaillard, Lecturer in Private Law, University of Caen Normandy

09h30 - Opening session
Thinking the legal order in the Anthropocene Era by Mireille DELMAS-MARTY, Honorary Professor at the Collège de France, Member of the Institute.

Opening the theoretical route: Conceiving the rights of future generations as a change of paradigm, by Edith BROWN-WEISS, Georgetown University (video).


Nuclear weapons and future generations in international courts by Alyn WARE, recipient of the Right Livelihood Award in 2009, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Global Coordinator for Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (PNND).

For the transgenerational recognition of human rights: new legal cases related to the Mayak nuclear facility by Nadezhda KUTEPOVA, Russian sociologist and lawyer, founder of the NGO “The Planet of Hope”.

Will new lawsuits be filed for the protection of future generations thanks to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons? by Jean Marie COLLIN, Expert at ICAN France, Vice-President of Initiatives for Nuclear Disarmament, coordinator of PNND for France and French-speaking countries.

11h00 - Coffee break

11h20 - Questions and answers

11h40 - Multi-disciplinary discussions

The nuclear question has led to a new way of thinking: catastrophizing, by Frédérick LEMARCHAND, Sociologist, University of Caen Normandy, co-director of the “Pôle Risques, Qualité et Environnement Durable” (Risks, Quality and Sustainable Environment Department), MRSH Caen.

Effects of ionizing radiation: new evidence, greater risks by Andreas NIDECKER, Professor Emeritus of radiology at the University of Basel, member of IPPNW Switzerland (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) and former president of IPPNW Switzerland.

How nuclear tests transformed Polynesian society, by Winiki SAGE, President of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of French Polynesia.

13h00 - Lunch


Climate change and judges: a global legal revolution? by Christian HUGLO, Lawyer at the Paris Court of Appeal, author of a book on Climate Justice.

Judges can help in saving us from climate change - and they already do! by Serge de GHELDERE, President of ASBL L’Affaire Climat (Klimaatzaak)

« Public trust » doctrine - Actions lead by Our Children’s Trust on behalf of future generations by Elizabeth BROWN, staff attorney, Global Program Manager Our Children’s Trust

Climate Justice for future generations: what are the prospects for the future? by Agnès MICHELOT, Lecturer in Public Law, University of La Rochelle, CEJEP (EA 3170), President of the ʺSociété Française pour le Droit de l’Environnementʺ, associate member (Personnalité associée) of the Environment section of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC).

16h05 - Questions and answers

16h25 - Coffee break

16h45 - Towards the recognition of The Rights of Humanity?

Calling for the recognition of the Rights and Duties of Humanity, by Corinne LEPAGE, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, Former Minister for the Environment, President of CAP 21.

17h05 - Questions and answers

17h30 - End of the day

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